
Sweet & Sour Chicken

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Stir fried pork with chilli & Basil

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Tofu Thai Green Curry

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Chicken Satay appetiser

Char-grilled skewered chicken or organic tofu with a peanut sauce and sweet Thai salad

Masaman (The Thai king's favourite dish)

Tender chicken breast or topside of Norfolk beef, slow cooked with potatoes and topped with dry fried shallots and roasted peanuts.

Chu Che Pla

Deep fried whole sea bass fillets, cut into goujons and dressed in a tasty Thai red curry cooked with karffir lime leaf and fresh bird eye chilli.

Pad Ka Pao

A distinctive fusion of garlic, chilli, basil and vegetables. Spicy and very tasty!

Kee Mau - one of our chef's specials

Stir fried beef, king prawns or mixed seafood (king prawns, mussels and squid) with basil, fresh chilli and mixed fresh peppers, served on a sizzling platter.

Mövenpick Ice Cream - vanilla and chocolate.

Delicious Mövenpick Ice Cream is made from natural ingredients without artificial colouring or flavouring.

Our main dining area

A distinctive fusion of garlic, chilli, basil and vegetables. Spicy and very tasty!

Front of restaurant

Stir fried beef, king prawns or mixed seafood (king prawns, mussels and squid) with basil, fresh chilli and mixed fresh peppers, served on a sizzling platter.

Our chef creating one of our dishes

Delicious Mövenpick Ice Cream is made from natural ingredients without artificial colouring or flavouring.